Me and Mine |
You want to know about me?
Before entering the blogosphere I was a sucessful Public Relations Manager for one of Brisbane's leading PR agencies, travelling around Australia, attending VIP events as a single, sassy and carefree chick. But after years of climbing the corporate ladder in bloody nice shoes, I lost my footing and didn't know where to land.
So I packed my Prada and landed in Paris for a stereotypical find-out-who-I-really-am journey at the ripe old age of 28. After weeks of eating Brie, sipping (read: gulping) Champagne and walking the length and breadth of the French capital I returned to sunny Brisbane fat, drunk, broke, but most importantly inspired and in love!
Several years later, circa now, I am Mumma to my beautiful baby boy 'E' and loving partner of 'Teach' - the loves of my life. Among other things, I am also a proud Brisbane-ite, Cancerian, Shopper, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Reader, Runner, Wine Drinker, Writer and hopefully one day an Author.