Tuesday, 31 May 2011

A Minogue Week

Many of you know I am a celeb addict - but never more so than with the divine Ms Minogue. It's a wee girl/celeb/musician crush I've had for as long as I can remember (including many years annoying my two older brothers singing Kylie tunes on the top of my lungs around the house, in the car, in my room, in the bathroom etc... etc...). So in honour of Her Royal Hotness finally unveiling her Aphrodite Les Foilles Tour in Brisbane this magnificent Friday, here is a very small selection of my favourite and fabulous Kylie moments...

I'll be playing Kylie all week in anticipation... If you're not adverse to a little Minogue in the mornings or are keen to download a few classics off iTunes, can I please recommend plugging in 'Impossible Princess' (a very underrated album) and 'Kylie Minogue' (her Confide in Me era) - pure pop brilliance! Enjoy xx 
P.S. Happy BDay for the 28th K!

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