As a new Mum I'm always on the look out for E's milestones. Each day he discovers something new that makes my heart sing with joy such as holding my finger, smiling when you come into his eye sight, laughing at silly faces and so on.
It seems Teach and I spend so much time helping E to learn and grow we forget we are developing as parents too. Yes, we have the usual first-time parent milestones chalked up e.g. sleepless nights, not showering for the day, running out of nappies at an inopportune time, etc... but I'm talking about those memorable moments as a parent when you just have to laugh at yourself or you'll cry.
Yesterday I had a Memorable Mumma Moment I wont forget in a hurry.
I decided to take E shopping for new winter clothes and spend time out of the house. E loves getting out and about because he can watch the world go by and be rocked to sleep in his pram once he finished people watching. We spent an hour or so doing the rounds at the local Westfield when E woke and decided it was time to go home IMMEDIATELY. Admittedly I'd had enough too, so I took his cue and made my way back to the carpark to head home.
It was a really busy day and the carpark was full. So much so I was being followed back to my car by an elderly man in his ute. I indicated that I'd be a few minutes before leaving - obvious really seeing I had a baby, pram and shopping bags - which he replied to with a friendly wave to say he was happy to wait for me.
Well, by now E was crying. He hates going in his car seat at the best of times and I wasn't helping the situation because I knew someone was waiting and was trying to hurry him in. Have you ever tried to put a crying baby in a car seat and under pressure as people watch? Disaster!
Once he was in I threw my handbag/nappy bag over the back seat from the boot of the car and unpacked the shopping allwhile singing to E to try and calm him down.
I turned around to see two cars had now stopped behind the man waiting for my car park. OMG! More people are waiting for me I thought. "Ok, Mumma's coming." I kept singing.
I attempted to collapse the pram. I tried again. "How the hell do I collapse this pram?!"
The stroller I'd used a hundred times before suddenly appeared to me as a rubics cube IMPOSSIBLE!
Seconds felt like hours... "I'm sure if I just pull this here and push it there it goes down!"
Nothing. The pram refused to budge.
I turned back over my shoulder to look at the line of cars waiting. The man, sitting in his car with a smile on his face, didn't care I was having a heart attack trying to get the pram in the car and dissolve the traffic jam, nope he had a park and wasn't going anyway. No matter how long I took!
The more I struggled the more nothing happened. E was furious with me now. His cries became screams saying, "Get me out of here!" Each one louder and more heart felt than the last.
I was getting so overwhelmed and panic stricken I was prepared to leave the pram where it was just to get in the car and drive away never to return to this awful shopping centre ever again. Surely Teach would understand if I explained we had to buy a new pram because the last one was left out of sheer embarrassment and stupidity.
Suddenly, my flailing fingers hit a button and the pram jolted. "That's it! It's the two buttons of the handle. Go, go go!" I dropped the pram in half, threw it in the boot and burned out of the car park so fast it would've put Michael Schumacher to shame.
Woo hoo!! We were free. E stopped crying once we got moving and fell asleep after a few minutes of me flying home. I couldn't help replaying the incident in my mind over and over again. How could I possibly forget the buttons on the handle? The other shoppers must have thought I was a right idiot - or a bad mother for making her baby cry like that. What a fool!
Once I got home and pulled up in the safety of our garage I just smiled and thought to myself... yep, you're a Mum now!
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