Monday, 14 November 2011

Hey Big Spender!

The EU isn't the only one battening down the hatches in an attempt to save its economy from going belly-up.

Teach and I are tightening our purse strings in preparation for Christmas and our upcoming sojourn to New Zealand.  

We're making the obvious cutbacks such as no meals out; drinking instant coffee at home instead of ordering two delicious take aways from the nearby deli; renting DVDs on $1 Tuesdays - and taking them back before they are overdue and spending another $12 in late fees; eating ALL the food we've got instead of buying more or dumping left overs because it's 'gone bad' (read: it looks icky because we didn't cover it before it went in the fridge); turning off lights when we leave the room; flicking off powerpoints after using the appliance; and we've stopped buying unnecessary extras during our fortnightly grocery shop.

Oh, those delicious extras. They are the hardest to say no to. You know the ones. The packet of Tim Tams or three you buy to have in the cupboard when girlfriends come over when in fact they magically disappear as you pass through the kitchen on your way to the bathroom / laundry / living room / any other room in the house!

I've also stopped myself from stocking up on products that are supposedly on sale. I tend to get sucked in to buying items with price tags declaring "Buy any 2 for only $5." How could I possibly pass that by? I'll save a bundle! As soon as I know I can get more for less I MUST have it even if I had no intention of buying it.

Teach caught on to my interesting shopping habits during one grocery expedition not long ago. "Why are we buying two 1 litre bottles of white vinegar? We've still got half a bottle in the cupboard which we've had for 12 months."

"But they're on sale, it's an awesome deal," I proudly declare. "I'm saving money!"

"We'll just spend more. Besides we don't need it." He was right. Of course. I put the two bottles of white vinegar back and walked away making every effort not to look behind me. I felt like I was abandoning a cute little puppy that needed a good loving home.

Another trap I'm slowly trying to change is paying up front for a group of classes before I've tried them.

Three months ago I enrolled and paid for E to attend a semester (yes a FULL semester) of Baby Sensory classes. I had every intention of going each week for an hour long class of singing, dancing, games and baby sign language for E to grow and learn.

In seven weeks, we've been to two classes! I really loved those two classes, we did have a great time - not to mention it got us out of the house. But I know in the deep recesses of my mind we're not going back.Why? Pure laziness. Sometimes I even try to fool my brain into thinking we're going and say, "I'm making an effort today." Then all of a sudden I look at the clock, we're 5 minutes late and I think, "Bugger. We can't go now we're already late."

What a brilliant way to save money Sian - good on you! What else can you waste hard earned cash on?

Give me half a chance and I can make money disappear faster than you can say 'Brittney Spears' underpants'.

Unfortunately my Buy-Now-Waste-Later lifestyle isn't foreign to me.

Four years ago I enrolled in French Language at the University of Queensland. I was so excited to have taken the steps to learn the language I'd dreamed of speaking since I was a kid, plus I was off to Paris in six months and wanted to know the basics.

The numbers were limited so I was very lucky to be accepted. Guess how many classes I managed to attend? Go on...


I made every excuse under the sun about why I couldn't go. Work was extremely busy so I could never make the 6.30pm start time. Traffic along Coronation Drive to St Lucia was horrific so my 10 minute drive always took closer to 45 minutes. And on and on and on....

Maybe I need to put a post-it note in my wallet that reads 'Hey Big Spender' as a reminder of the bigger picture. Unfortunately when I see it I'll be standing at the cash register waiting to pay for something else, I don't need and I won't use.

C'est la vie.

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