Monday, 7 May 2012

The Games We Play

Is the hand brake off?
Peekaboo is E's favourite game at the moment. He knows to sit behind the curtains in the living room and wait until Teach or I start calling out for him. We play it up of course and call out the required, "Where is he?" until you hear him giggle. He chuckles so much his little legs lift off the ground because he thinks he's the smartest little person for fooling Mummy and Daddy (well, he's right!), then as if by magic he appears again with a smile as wide as a see-saw. Gotcha!

We all know entertaining a toddler can be tiresome, but somedays there's nothing I love more than crawling under fun-size tables (my polite way of saying small), playing trucks and peekaboo 1,000 times because his heart-warming laugh and hugs of appreciation are not worth swapping for all the Tea in China. 

E's other must-play games with Mum and Dad are singing and dancing to Justine Clarke (a CD I will buy every new Mum from now on as it has saved us A LOT), climbing over cushions on the floor piled up like a mountain and rolling off, pushing his Tonka trucks across the room, spinning the wheels on said trucks, rolling a bouncy ball back and forth and generally playing with anything that makes a noise.

You name it - or hear it - and we've got it but cars, trucks and trains are his never-fail pick of the bunch everytime. He even makes a Brrrrrrrrrrrrrroom noise like a car engine when he flips the pages of his books about cars and trucks...he loves them that much! :)

But we're now slowly coming to a stage where he's seeking more. So I'd love to know, what games do you like playing with your little one? Got any tips for home-made games for that 1 to 2 year old age group?

I'm very keen to hear how other Mums and Dads play, learn and grow with their Bubbas.

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