If 2012 was suppose to be the year the world ended, it's certainly spinning fast enough to fly straight off its axis. Blink and we'll miss it.
In an attempt to slow-down, take stock and simply enjoy the year a little more before it's over, I have made a list of activities, and must-dos I simply, well, must-do before I bid farewell to 2012 and find myself saying in January, "this year I really should start...{insert subject of interest here}".
Friends and family will be the first to tell you I'm a tragic I'll-Do-It-One-Day kinda girl, but now I fear that day has found me and is urging me to havago.
Unfortunately now I've told you about it, I have to do it. I'm accountable for my actions and worse still, I'm forcing myself to share all the details with you one blog post at a time. Bum. Poo. Wee!
As there are four months remaining in the year, here are four activities in no particular order, I aim to accomplish before 31 December 2012 {drum roll please}...
1. Yoga: Formerly a yoga devotee, I gave it away when I discovered red wine. Understandable really. Now I'm awake before 7am every day and no longer have a child dependent on Thelma and Louise, I don't have a reasonable excuse to leave my orange yoga mat under the bed much longer. It has been 6 years!
2. Swim: I have never liked swimming. Yes, I'll splash about in a pool and frolic in (small) waves but the thought of following a black line for an hour leaves me short of breath. Or, that is, it use too. It's not clear whether it's the smell of chlorine from Teach's swimming towel most mornings or the appeal of a no-impact sport that has this old duck quacking, but I'm going to give a crack.{Mum, stop laughing!}
3. Read: I hereby vow to put down the TV remote control and read the 5 books that have each been started, yet sit neglected beside my bed. Glossy womens magazines are not included in this promise - they're half the reason I don't open the hardbacks!
4. Cook: The cupboard above our stovetop is full, neigh, overflowing of cookbooks by Jaime Oliver, Donna Hay, The Women's Weekly, Maggie Beer, Nigella Lawson, Curtis Stone, and many others that all promise to have me cooking sumptuous meals with little effort, or at the very least, successfully with little skill. Julie & Julia I am not, but I will dedicate Sunday nights to exploring, tasting and hopefully achieving one new recipe from any one of the aformentioned Chefs. Lucky I'm going to start excercising again!
What would you like to achieve before the end of the year?
I'm totally with you Sian! I cant believe there are only four months left of the year. I'm trying to do your reading challenge - and watching less TV. Man it's hard in winter! But if it makes you feel any better I've got way more than 5 books in my 'to read' pile :)
I take my "hat" off to you if you can achieve those 4f things you'll be doing well kiddo. I didn't laugh re the swimmingxx
Thanks Ladies. I've managed to put down the remote so far, but I replaced TV with the Internet, not Books!
Hey Sian, Come along to a free yoga class with me at New Farm park at 8:30 on Sunday mornings? I went for the first time yesterday, and it was sooo good! I haven't done much yoga since I did the Mumma yoga when D was tiny, but I highly recommend this Active Parks class... :)
Michelle (from Prof Mums meetup group)
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