Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Creative Spaces

So I'm thinking if I start taking this blogging world seriously, I need a serious work space...any excuse to get me to Ikea really!! Here are a few random pics of home offices I've found online. What do you think?

Loving the outlook and mixing up the old with the new...
Larger than I need, but I'm a sucker for inbuilt storage...

 Small enough to fit in our home. Cute artwork...
Which one is your favourite?


Aimée Turner said...

I love the 1st & 3rd one, but if the 3rd one is the size that would fit most go with that one.
Also you should have a look at the blog site Pinterest, it has a long waiting list, but is much like your blog & allows you to make a visual inspiration board online! Good luck!

Shona said...

Lovin' the decor in the first one - but would definitely put that storage space to great organised use in pic 2!!!!

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