Thursday, 8 September 2011

Stop! Spring is telling me something...

Yesterday, as E and I were putting out the washing, something caught my eye. I stopped doing my chores (which was really difficult because I looooove chores...NOT) and noticed the first fabulous sign of spring. 

An Orchard Teach and I were given for E's birth has blossomed gorgeous tiny flower buds. I'd left it for dead on our back patio after I attempted to keep it alive during winter. It was a fight I expected to loose because I've never kept a plant alive for longer than it takes the water to run dry. A green thumb I ain't! So I was pleasantly surprised to see my little buddy coming back from the grave so spectacularly.

Actually I was more than plesantly surprised, I was thrilled. After I introduced E to his birth flower and had a little ceremoninal dance to welcome the arrival of our four new Orchard flowers (yes, you read correctly, not one or two but FOUR) I decided to cherish the day as a little sign that things are pretty good in my life right now.

The day wasn't any different from yesterday. E still woke at 5.30am. I drank copious amounts of tea. Watched re-runs of Friends. E played, laughed, cried, spewed etc... Our daily routine was the same as any other, but it's as if those little baby buds flicked a light switch on in me and I stopped to be grateful and appreciative of life - MY life more specifically.

Yes, I'm sleep deprived. Yes, I'm permanently hungry. Yes, I'm in desperate need of a little one-on-one time with a beautician because I might just save Australia from deforestation if I don't get waxed soon, but other than that, I really have nothing to complain about. I'm grateful, happy, healthy, loved and in love. I thought to myself, 'You know what? Things are OK.'

'Geesh, you got all that from a bloody flower?' I hear you ask. Yep it was my 'a-ha' moment for the new season and I'm not apologising for sharing it with you - sap and all - because tomorrow I'll probably be back to my former down-in-the-dumps-self and wishing I'd enjoyed the day, the moment, the whatever, while I had it. So, I am.

Have you noticed anything recently that has made you stop for a moment and appreciate what you've got?

I believe the universe sends us signs about our lives each and every day, we just need the skills and desire to accept and interpret them. If you are interested in reading more about signs in your life, how to take notice of them and decipher them (plus much, much more), pop on over to The Little Sage.

1 comment:

Sian said...

Wow, I was so happy writing this post I didn't bother spelling Orchid correctly! No, my orange trees did not spring 4 flowr buds!! My apologies. x

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