Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Sleeping Beauty: One Tired Parent Gets Sleep

Holy schmoly it's been three (yes 3!!) weeks since this Mumma put her child back to sleep without the helpful aid of Thelma and Louise, aka Mummy's Milk Bar, aka Mrs Funbags, aka Mole Hills formerly known as Mountains.

You read that correctly my dear readers, I haven't breastfed E back to sleep in three weeks and we are on track to achieve a solid 12 hours sleep - Teach and me that is!

You're all well aware of the trials and tribulations Teach and I have gone through in the past 12 months. Sleepless nights. Constant waking. Not to mention one attempt after another to cut the apron strings, give a little tough love and teach E to sleep without my help. Pffft! Silly me for trying, right? Why would E want to learn how to sleep when he had access to the 24hr Milk Bar with no running tab! It's every man's dream.

Oh, yeah! We were rockin' and rollin' all night long, hoppin' and boppin' and singin' a song. Only after weeks on end of rockin' every half hour, this Little Mumma and her Big Boppa needed to hang up their dancin' shoes and pack away E's party supplies.

But I was petrified. How on earth do I make the change? Can I stop feeding E at night immediately or do I wind it back slowly? How do I know he'll be OK?

I couldn't read any more books telling me what works for other Mothers. I appreciated hearing the various case studies, but I desperately need to talk to someone about my situation and gain tailored advice. So I contacted Jo Ryan from BabyBliss for a half hour telephone consultation and hung up feeling empowered, confident and committed to making a change.

Teach and I discussed what Jo recommended and both felt it was the best thing to do for all of us. Before we put it in motion, we told E.

I don't know why I felt this part of the process was important, but Teach and I agreed that we should prepare him as well as we could. He understands other topics we talk about like birds, cars and books so why wouldn't he comprehend that Mumma wasn't going to bring Thelma and Louise out at night anymore? I wrote down Jo's advice and over several nights (between the half hour wakes) he would hear that the end was nigh but everything would be OK. 

E took to the changes like Russell Brand takes to a pretty blonde girl. Very quickly and with 100% enthusiasm.

On the first night he obviously vented his anger and frustration, but we made our way through it and surprisingly had a good night sleep - at least four consecutive hours. Bliss!

From that moment we haven't looked back. But don't hate me just yet, E will still wake once or twice at random times during the evening, but who doesn't? It's almost as if he wakes to make sure we know he's there, then he rolls over and promptly returns to sleep like the amazing little man that he is.

Woo Hoo!! Three weeks and counting. I can feel a girls night coming on!

In all seriousness, our sincerest thanks to Jo for her support, guidance and encouragment. We couldn't have done it with out her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vongrats keep it upxx

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