Sunday, 29 January 2012

Life Lessons

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I believe that I've learnt more about life watching E grow than I ever would have without him. During our trip to NZ he taught me another valuable life lesson. It's pure, simple, uncomplicated and true:

Never stop learning and experimenting

As E continues to develop and discover the world around him, I too am rediscovering my world. What have I learnt so far? Don't be afraid to wrip open the vegemite packet and smear it all over the place, if that's what you want to do. Just eat it and enjoy it! Who cares about the mess, the inevitable scrubbing of the clothes to remove stains and the looks you get from people? When you follow your heart happiness generally follows and the world is a better place. 

I've printed out the above photos of E devouring his vegemite and pinned them to the board above my desk to remind me everyday to collect experiences, not posessions. After all, that is what I'll remember about my life and be thankful for at the end of the day, isn't it?

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