Tuesday 13 March 2012

I'm singin' the Sick Baby Blues

I miss my baby boy's laugh. He has been sick for several days with the standard daycare ailments all kids suffer when they start at a new child care centre. 

I was desperately hoping E would somehow manage to flash his toothy grin and fend off another round of the one-year-old flu ickies because I'm still recouperating from the last lot less than two weeks ago. Sorry, Mumma. Think again.

With his new day care seems to come a new strain of super bug that has knocked him for six. His cough is harsher (and no it's not croupe, but thanks for asking), his snot is greener and his rear has dropped more bombs in the past 48 hours than the IRA did in their hey-day. Our darling boy is so exhausted from being sick he's started to lose his voice and makes little whistling noises when he cries. It would be adorable if it wasn't so sad.

Apart from the tried and true medicinal remedies of water, baby panadol and lashings of hugs and kisses from Mum and Dad, we are simply waiting it out. Not the best option for a Gen X and Gen Y power couple. We want fast, simple and easy results now - if not sooner.

What do you do when your babies are ill? I'd like to hear your remedies to cure a baby's flu or things you've found works wonders to take their (and your own) mind off it for a short time.

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